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Rocky Horror Picture Show is not your average movie. Audience members are encouraged to break that most taboo of movie going rules - talking! Rather we sing along to the musical numbers, shout out our favorite call backs, throw props, and of course… watch the cast perform live in front of the movie!

The Clinton Street Cabaret and Clinton Street Theater are all inclusive safe spaces!

Audience Participation lines can get… raunchy and bluntly, in any other venue, offensive and hurtful. The greater Rocky Horror Community has always worked from a place of seizing back these hurtful lines and words and remove their power over us. While we as a cast have made the conscious decision to remove some of the more offensive lines from our Audience Participation script, audience members and other visiting casts who do not follow our script may still say some of these lines.
Despite that, this is an all ages show!

Have you seen the Rocky Horror Picture Show? Have you seen it live on stage? Have you seen it live, on stage at the Clinton Street Theater? No…? You're a Virgin! Your prize? You get to play Virgin Games!
Virgin games are amusing, a little bit risque', and a rite of passage for anyone stepping into our show for the first time. They are voluntary, but your friends may call you out for not going on stage.

Do you want to be part of our show? You can! Raffle tickets along with Prop Bags are available before shows from our lovely Trixie. Two lucky winners will get to perform as our Ralph and Betty at the beginning of the show. Don't worry, it is really easy and cast will show you exactly what to do!

Speaking of our lovely Trixie, you can buy your prop bags from us. The funds go to support the cast, and our Partners. These include all the props you'll need!
But… if you'd like to bring your own props here is what you need:

NOTE: These props are no longer allowed in the theater for safety!

The great part about AP lines is that they change over time. Many reference current (or very past,) events. Some are obscure or not so obscure pop culture references. It is highly encouraged to come see the movie with our cast and experience the full range of AP lines yourself.

Here are some to get you started:

Feel free to come up with your own favorite lines. Rest assured, if its good, we WILL steal it!

It's a jump to the left, then a step to the right, put your hands on your hips, bring your knees in tight! Let's do the Time Warp again.
Due to space, audience members are asked to NOT come on stage and do the Time Warp in their seats. The Clinton Street Cabaret has own little variation on it, and this will be taught to you by our Master of Ceremonies.
Be Yourself!
The most important aspect of Rocky Horror Picture Show is to be yourself! Come as you are a know that you will not be judged, and that you are welcomed and celebrated!